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Many people request good books and resources on the topic of biofeedback.  It is impossible to have read or reviewed them all. 
Listed below are good books and other resources which have I have used and do recommend. 

Scroll down this list to find recommended resources on biofeedback such as :

  • books
  • journals
  • magazines
  • biofeedback organizations
  • finding a biofeedback practitioner in your area
  • training programs to become a certified biofeedback practitioner
  • getting biofeedback devices


Unfortunately, few good books on biofeedback are written for the lay person. 

The following are recommended references for those who wish to follow biofeedback as a career :

Basmajian, J. (1989). Biofeedback : Principles and Practice for Clinicians (3rd edition). Baltimore: Williams& Wilkins.

Kasman, G., Cram, J., & Wolf, S. (1998). Introduction to Surface Electromyography. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Kasman, G., Cram, J. & Wolf, S. (1998). Clinical Applications in Surface Electromyography. Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Schwartz, M. & Andrasik, F. (2016). Biofeedback : A Practitioner's Guide (4th edition). New York: Guilford Press.

Shellenberger, R., Amar, P., Schneider, C., & Turner, J. (1994). Clinical Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Biofeedback Therapy (2nd edition). Published by the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

Striefel, S. (2004). Practice Guidelines and Standards for Providers of Biofeedback and Psychophysiological Services. Published by the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

Yucha, C. & Gilbert, C. (2004). Evidence-Based Practice in Biofeedback and Neurofeedback. Published by the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.



Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback is produced by the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) and published quarterly.   Online access for archived editions are available to the public.


Current and past issues of the magazine Biofeedback , published by the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback for its members, provides a good overview of current topics and applications in the field of biofeedback.



The Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) is an international society for mind-body research, health care and education. The AAPB holds an annual meeting and conference, offers continuing education programs, produces a newsmagazine for members, and produces an interdisciplinary journal titled Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and other publications which contribute to the theory, practice and evaluation of applied psychophysiology and biofeedback. The AAPB web site address is or telephone 1-800-477-8892.

AAPB regional chapters meet and provide workshops.

AAPB is planning its next annual meeting and conference for May 14 - 17, 2025 in San Diego, California.

The Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) , formerly the "Biofeedback Certification Institute of America" was formed in 1981 to establish and maintain professional standards for biofeedback services and to certify qualified professionals who meet these standards. To find a certified biofeedback practitioner, or to obtain more information about the certification requirements, visit or telephone (303) 420-2902.

The Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (BFE) was founded in the mid 1990's to promote a greater awareness of biofeedback among European health professionals and to educate them in the use of biofeedback techniques and technology. The BFE supports a series of international research projects.

The 22nd International BFE meeting will be held in Brescia, Italy from March 24 - 29, 2025.  Workshops will be on biofeedback and neurofeedback for health and performance with adults and children.



The Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) maintains a registry of certified biofeedback professionals (those meeting the BCIA standards of a high level of competence in the use of biofeedback and self-regulation strategies). Search the on-line list of certified practitioners within your region or telephone BCIA at 303 420-2902. 

The Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) has a list of AAPB members providing biofeedback (not all of these providers are BCIA certified).

Always ask about the background, training, competency, and areas of specialty of a biofeedback provider. This is especially important if they are not BCIA certified. Some health care professionals providing biofeedback services are not certified and not listed with BCIA. To find non-BCIA-registered biofeedback providers in your area, ask your health professionals since some doctors, nurses and psychologists provide biofeedback or refer to people who do. Also inquire at local colleges and universities, perhaps beginning in the departments of psychology, psychophysiology, medicine, or health education. Some health or performance clinics offering physiotherapy, chiropractic, pain management, or related services may also provide biofeedback.


A list of all didactic Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) accredited biofeedback training programs, University didactic programs, and Home Study Courses is provided by BCIA or telephone 303 420-2902.

Individuals who meet BCIA academic and clinical requirements may apply to write the BCIA biofeedback certification exam. Contact BCIA for further information about the requirements for certification in biofeedback.



Some biofeedback manufacturers produce small, portable, and relatively inexpensive biofeedback units suitable for home training.

However, to determine the most suitable biofeedback device and the most appropriate methods of biofeedback training for each individual, it is important to consult and work with a biofeedback professional.

Biofeedback monitors can be purchased from biofeedback equipment distribution companies such as :

Hand held GSR (skin conductance) biofeedback devices with training CDs and DVDs for applying GSR biofeedback to breathing, pain management, exam anxiety, sport performance and other topics are also available from Mind Growth at

The emWave (heart rate variability biofeedback system) is available directly from the Heart Math Institute at

It is possible to obtain the Wild Divine biofeedback computer game (heart rate variability and skin conductance biofeedback) for training on-line or on your home computer from the Wild Divine Project at