The following comments are from participants who completed group programs in Relaxation and Stress Management Skills
offered on-site at their workplace :
"I was very pleased with the training. Seven months ago I felt like I needed a year off to recover from the stresses. Now 80-90 % of that feeling is gone."
"This program was great and I learned so much. I was actually able to use the Open Focus technique to relax enough to sleep at the kids' sleepout which was great! I'm glad you gave us short versions of all the techniques too. They are very helpful."
"I never knew how relaxation could change your body. It has helped me to handle stressful situations."
"Learning the Autogenic Training has been one of the best things I have done for myself."
"I thought it was great that we could have these sessions at work and have many of the ideas related to work situations. I am feeling better and more confident that this is something I can do for and by myself. I has helped a lot to keep things in perspective."
"I was happy with this program. I like the biofeedback to see the physical changes/benefits occurring with each technique. It has reminded me to be aware of muscle tension, mental stress, etc."
"I became very aware of how much tension I had."
"Breathing and muscle relaxation were the best part as they represent working techniques. I enjoy the direct effects of being calmer and more aware. Since the beginning of the program I have noticed decreased anxiety, less irrational fears, and a better ability to affect what seemed to be uncontrollable moods. I am optimistic about future effects."
"Although I am still stressed at work, it helps me to relax at home afterward."
"I could not believe how quickly each session went. The program had a lot of useful techniques, clearly and simply explained without being "preachy". I am working at being calmer with the kids."
"I feel better knowing that if I need them, I have tools to deal with the stress."
"It improved my concentration level and I have experienced some tension free situations."
"I've only had one sleepless night since we started, and that night I forgot to try any techniques to relax. I have a more overall relaxed attitude (not worrying so much) and the techniques have made me feel so much better. I am glad we were given the chance to take these sessions."