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OHIP does not provide coverage for these services.

If you have health insurance coverage in addition to OHIP, inquire about the possibility of reimbursement.


Some extended health care plans will provide partial or full reimbursement for stress management, relaxation skills training, or biofeedback provided by the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic.

Past participants at the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic have been reimbursed by such companies as the Co-Operators, Economical, Economical Mutual, C.U.M.B.A., Metropolitan Life, London Life, and Sun Life.


Kathy Somers is a Registered Kinesiologist (R.Kin)

who is certified in Stress Management Education, and board certified in biofeedback (BCB) from the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA), formerly the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America.   

(BCIA is the oldest and best established biofeedback certification program, the one recognized by the American Psychology Association and requested as the credential of choice by medical credentialing organizations and insurance companies for reimbursement of various biofeedback modalities.)

However some health plans from companies such as Great West Life, Manulife, Mutual Life, Confederation Life, London Life, Green Shield, and Blue Cross will cover stress management, relaxation skills training or biofeedback only if it is provided by a registered and licensed Psychologist, not a Kinesiologist.


Three extended health care companies in Ontario do cover Registered Kinesiologists  :

SunLife, Canada Life, and Desjardins health plans offer coverage for services provided by Registered Kinesiologists,

however not all workplaces ask for Kinesiologists to be included in their benefits package from these 3 companies.  

Keep in mind that each individual policy is different. 

So it is important to ask your health benefits representative what company is providing the insurance and exactly what is covered in your current package.


(If your plan is with any of these 3 companies but your representative says Registered Kinesiologist appointments are not covered, please ask them to add Registered Kinesiologist to the package when they renew it, to help yourself and others in the future.)


If it is not covered...

Registered Kinesiologists are one of the Authorized Medical Providers recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency for the purpose of claiming medical expenses in Ontario.  

So if your insurance package does not currently recognize Kinesiology, you can submit Kinesiology receipts with your income tax and it will definitely be accepted there for a tax credit.  


If it is covered...

submit your receipts from the Stress Management & High Performance Clinic to your health plan carrier for reimbursement.