Better Sleep Program
Learn the most effective cognitive / behavioural strategies that decrease insomnia . . .
This 5 session on-line program comes to your e-mail box once a week for five weeks, providing information and skills instruction in the cognitive / behavioural techniques which decrease insomnia and promote better, more restful, sleep. For greatest success, daily home practice is very strongly recommended.
self-regulation strategies to help fall asleep, or back to sleep, more easily
the sleep behaviours most highly recommended by sleep researchers
lifestyle factors influencing sleep architecture
tips on sleep efficiency and energy management
myths and facts about sleep
techniques to clear the mind of unproductive self-talk, worry and mental chatter
the common self-expectations about sleep
how to keep a sleep diary
the bedtime relaxation techniques used by NASA, the armed forces, the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School Sleep Program, to develop stronger abilities to relax the body, calm the mind, and promote better sleep
For an outline of these 5 lessons,
This program is experiential, which makes it hard for you to get the full sense of its possibilities from simply reading a program description. Perhaps it would help to know what past participants have said... read more...
Women may also be interested in participating in a one evening workshop on Better Sleep for Peri-Menopausal Women... read more...
Following the Better Sleep Program, some participants may benefit from enrolling in the 12 session Relaxation and Stress Management Skills Training program. This would further develop and strengthen skills in physical and mental relaxation to set the stage to for sleep to come, or to fall back to sleep if awakening with a "busy brain" during the night.
You may choose to have a combination of a group program and private sessions. For example, you may have one or more private training sessions to get started on some strategies right away while waiting for the next group program to start. Some individuals progress further with some private training after a group program to tailor the ideas to their specific situation.
The 5 session Better Sleep program is offered ON-LINE, available right now, on demand.
One lesson is e-mailed each week for 5 weeks.
You have lifetime access to the program (you can access the lessons again and again, even weeks later!)
This makes it easy to go at your own pace, on days and times that best suit you.
Program Fee :
- $ 20 for University of Guelph students (due to a subsidy from U of G Student Health Services)
- $ 47 for members of United Steelworkers Local 4120 (due to a subsidy from Local 4120)
- $ 97 for all others
Gift certificates are available.
Payment is on-line (or by cheque or e-transfer, if pre-arranged).
To Register :
You are fully registered in the program once you have submitted payment here.
Remember the password that you choose for yourself!
University of Guelph students - to request your Coupon Code, e-mail your name and Student ID number to
Members of USW Local 4120 - to request your Coupon Code, e-mail your name to
UNABLE to attend ?
- Arrange for a program to come to your workplace or community site :
The Better Sleep Program, or selected topics from this program, can be provided on-site at your workplace or community group site. A 30-60 minute Lunch & Learn session can also be provided. Call the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic at 519 824-4120, ext. 52662 to make arrangements for sessions at your location.
- Make an appointment for private training :
Any of the Better Sleep topics listed above can be provided in private, one-to-one training sessions. Daytime, late afternoon, and evening times are available on weekdays throughout the year. Call 519 824-4120, ext. 52662, or e-mail to make a private appointment for individual training.
- Access other resources :
FOR FURTHER RESOURCES on sleep and insomnia (websites, books, CDs, and sleep organizations) read more...
If you wish more information or have any further questions, do not hesitate to e-mail or call Kathy Somers at 519 824-4120, ext. 52662.
Please leave a message so I can return your call.