Here is my blog post about worry.
Many people request good books to read on the topic of curbing worry or stressful self-talk. It is impossible to have read or reviewed them all.
Listed below are good books which I have read and do recommend. Many books overlap several areas and cover a variety of topics.
In your local library or book store you may find these and other helpful books, CDs, and resources.
Asmundson, G. & Taylor, S. (2005). It's Not All In Your Head : How worrying about your health could be making you sick - and what you can do about it.
One in five adults worry a lot about their health, and this book offers clear and practical strategies for those whose worries are generating health anxiety, influencing their behaviour, and limiting their life. Guilford Press. ISBN 1-57230-993-8.
Bourne, E., Brownstein, A., & Garano, L. (2004). Natural Relief for Anxiety. Complementary Strategies for Easing Fear, Panic, and Worry.
In addition to specifically tackling the stressful and worrisome thoughts, a holistic range of activities like relaxation, exercise, nutrition, meditation, and mindfulnees, are also described in this how-to book. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. ISBN 1-57224-372-4
Carson, R. (1983). Taming Your Gremlin. New York: Harper & Row.
Craske, Barlow & O'Leary. Mastering Your Anxiety and Worry.
A good workbook, which can be ordered in Canada from the Order Department of Harcourt Brace and Co. 1-800-387-7278 (cost is approx. $62 Canadian plus tax and shipping; order book number 158131266).
Davis, Eshelman & McKay. (1995). The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook. 4th edition, chapters 13 & 14. New Harbinger Publications Inc. ISBN 1-879237-82-2.
Greenberger & Padesky. (1995). Mind Over Mood. Change How You Feel By Changing The Way You Think. Guilford Press. ISBN 0-89862-128-3.
Gyoerkoe, K. & Wiegartz, P. (2006). 10 Simple Solutions to Worry: How to calm your mind, relax your body & reclaim your life.
This book describes what worry is, how to shift from unproductive toward more productive worry, and what to do to address the distorted thinking that generates unproductive worry. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. ISBN 10: 1-57224-465-8
Hallowell, E. (1997). Worry. Controlling it and using it wisely.
This book reviews the advantages and disadvantages of worrying, and outlines strategies to control toxic worry. New York: Random House. ISBN 0-679-44237-5
Hazlett-Stevens, H. (2005). Women Who Worry Too Much: How to Stop Worry and Anxiety From Ruining Relationships, Work and Fun. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Kabat-Zinn, J. (1990). Full Catastrophe Living. New York: Dell Publishing.
Kase, L. (2006). Anxious 9 to 5 : How to beat worry, stop second-guessing yourself & work with confidence. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. ISBN 10: 1-57224-464-X
Leahy, R. (2005). The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry From Stopping You.
A cognitive behavioural approach to worry, that includes strategies for dealing with uncertainty and uncomfortable feelings. Harmony Books.
McKay, Davis & Fanning. (1981). Thoughts and Feelings. The Art of Cognitive Stress Intervention. New Harbinger Publications. ISBN 0-934986-03-7.
Posen, D. (1994). Always Change A Losing Game. Toronto: Key Porter Books Limited.